You may be thinking that car repair insurance, also known as a vehicle protection plan, is the same thing as regular motor vehicle insurance which pays for repairs to your vehicle if it is damaged in a collision with another car or damaged from acts of nature like a hailstorm. However, car repair insurance is not the same. In fact, car repair insurance, or a vehicle protection plan, covers repairs to mechanical components that fail due to normal wear and tear not due to an accident.
For example, let’s say you’re driving down the road and your transmission decides it’s time to quit or you’re on a summer road trip and the air conditioner goes out. Regular motor vehicle insurance will not cover those repairs, but if you purchased a car repair insurance plan from Fenix Protect, those repairs can be covered!
Car repair insurance will keep your car in good mechanical order, usually at a lower cost than paying out of pocket for typical repairs. For the past 10 years, Fenix Protect has been helping customers see the value in car repair insurance, and we would love do to the same for you. Call or contact us for your auto service contract today!
Why is a Car Repair Protection Plan a Good Investment?
Have you ever had to drop $600 unexpectedly on a repair bill, spending money that was meant for a family vacation or something fun? What about putting off a small repair because you didn’t have the money only to have it grow into something bigger costing you even more money, money that was meant to treat you or your family to something nice? If so, then car repair insurance can help mitigate those costs so you are not stuck spending money allocated for more important things.
Car repair insurance or vehicle protection plans can be tailored for your vehicle’s needs. For example, your tried and true 1998 Honda Accord may only need basic drive train protection to keep you on the road, or the Chevrolet Silverado that is your daily work horse may require coverage for the air conditioning and suspension, or that gorgeous custom Ford Mustang may require protection for aftermarket electronics. No matter what your needs or your budget, we can find a vehicle protection plan to fit these needs and all those in between.
A small monthly payment will protect you from the full cost of covered auto repairs. The car repair insurance premium becomes part of your monthly budget and those sudden repair bills that cause stress and strain go away.
How Car Repair Insurance Plans Work
You pick the car repair insurance plan with the level of coverage that is right for you and your budget. Then once you have a part that needs repaired, it’s a very easy process to get it going:
- Should something break or need repaired and it is covered in your contract, the administrator will review your plan and determine the extent of coverage for the part.
- The administrator and an authorized repair facility will verify the failure of the part.
- The administrator will verify coverage of the part based on your contract.
- The cost of the covered repair (subject to the terms, conditions, and limitations of your plan) will be determined.
- Your claim is authorized!
Contact Us to Get Protected with Car Repair Insurance
Fenix Protect is here to help you through the decision process when it comes to choosing the best car repair insurance plan. We have seven different plans that cover anything from fuel systems and audio systems to timing belts and brakes. There is a plan for everyone, every vehicle, and every budget. Contact us to get your auto service contract set up today!